The most basic message of Marxism is that family is a tool used by the ruling class -the Bourgeoisie - to control the working class - the Prolertariat.
Capitalist society is interested in the control of money and money making resources. If you know who fathered the children in your family (by having monogamous, legally bound relationships) you can keep your wealth in your bloodline.
Some Marxists have suggested that the family socialises the next generation so that citizens know how to think and behave. This is all to support what Capitalism needs.
Zaretsky has argued that women's (free) domestic labour supports Capitalism by nurturing and producing the next workforce. He has also suggested that the family provide support fro Capitalism by consuming (buying) the things society produces.
Find out more about the ideas above on the webpage
Sociology at Twynham
For an outline of Marxist theories and a short critique by others see the
sociogeeks blog.
The common belief between different Feminist theorists is that women are oppressed in society and men are advantaged. Feminists call a society which operates like this a Patriarchal society. Find out more about Feminisms at the History Learning Site.
A Liberal Feminist, Marxist Feminist and Radical Feminist have a conversation. Please be warned the language is rather impolite!
Feminisms and Functionalism on revision cards at sociology .org
For a little bit of several things have a look at tutor2u